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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Heart Trees

Isn't this just the perfect little table lantern for an engagement party or wedding reception?

If you haven't run across yet, you should definitely take a few minutes to have a peek. This online marketplace for handmade arts and crafts is a powerhouse in England. These cute little lanterns come to us from This is Pretty.

Until next time...

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  1. Hi Mike,
    So glad you stopped by my blog so I could find yours! I can't wait to spend some time reading through your posts.
    I've never done a guest blogger exchange but I think it sounds like a fun idea. I've got a crazy schedule until after the 1st week of October (I'm trying to get ready for a craft show) but would love to try and do something after that, if that works with you.
    Have a great day.

  2. How much I'm getting married in nov and these would be perfect

  3. Love it.. linked to you in my blog, hope that's ok :)
    Love, Isabella <3

  4. The hearts add an adorable feminine touch! These would be perfect for a rustic outdoor wedding!!

  5. Very lovely sooo natural at the same time.
    I have placed them on my fairy realm blog.


I'm listening! And responding - so let's create some buzz together for recycled and repurposed arts and crafts.