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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reflections on Last Minute Holiday Decorating

This post is all about my reflections on last minute holiday decorating.

No...not those kinds of reflections. The real ones. Literally.


A couple of days ago I talked with the Facebook crowd about the fact that I will still decorating for Christmas. While a lot of you are done (enviable), there are still a few of you who, like me, will be putting out decorations until the very morning of Christmas!  My first day of decorating was at the beginning of December. But then I had to shift focus to my day job - and WHAM! All of the sudden there was only 1 week left. So, I am still putting together a little bit of this and that each day, and as I do, I'll share in case there are any last-minute wanderers out there like me.

I had a pile of christmas balls that never made it to the tree this year, so instead of packing them up, I grabbed my trusty ring of flexible wire (I always have some on hand from the DIY store), and started stringing them up.



Once you get a few on, it will start to look like this as the balls naturally wrap around each other. One of these days I'm gonna regret holding my camera in one hand and stretching the arm to hold out something to photograph in the other. Not because I might pull a muscle (a real possibility), but because I'll probably drop the camera. Note to self...must enlist assistance when taking blog photos.


Once I had all of the extra christmas balls strung on the wire, and I was in this pose that somewhat resembled the 'warrior' pose in yoga, my husband assistant walked up and offered his help. "Not because I think you're going to drop the camera," he said, "but because you look really uncomfortable."  I'm pretty sure he thought I was going to drop the camera.


The funny thing is that I didn't have a place in mind of where I was going to put this string of christmas balls before I started. I've seen beautiful wreaths, but my wire was flexible and was not intended to hold the circle shape. No, I had plans of wrapping it somewhere. So I literally started walking around the house with the string in my hands. Around the glass vase? No. Nestled amongst the nutcracker collection? Nah. Wrapped around Lulu? Yes! I found the perfect spot. Remember my renovated vintage chandelier Lulu that is filled with glass baubles? She now has a beautiful new holiday outfit!


I took off Lulu's light shades - they are going to get a revamp and I'm waiting for inspiration to hit. But doesn't the string of christmas balls suit her like a T?  I love how they look like they are just going to tumble down at any second. All I had to do was lay the wire up and over each arm, and then twist the two wire ends. Super simple. 


It's another happy little color pop for the holidays! And all it took was 15 minutes, plus a few extra minutes for arm-stretching photo shots.


See those frames with the black and white in the background? Come back tomorrow to see this ridiculously simple project.

Until next time...

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  1. I totally thought you were going to make a wreath; I love that you put it in a chandelier! Great idea!

  2. Looks like something that I could do! May have to try this one next year

  3. Looks like something that I could do! May have to try this one next year

  4. I love the ornaments on the chandelier! Looks so effortless and festive. Love the non-traditional colors as well. I think I'm going to steal this idea for next year.

  5. Very quick and shine look. Gorgeous i had post this on my blog ,Hope you will love of my post ; )


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