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Monday, July 18, 2011

Semi-Extreme Home (Uh, Bedroom) Makeover - DIY

We have been in the process of remodeling our bedroom forever! Okay, not forever...but for a really long time. Okay...more like 3 months. But that feels like forever! Maybe because it seems like there is still so much more left to do. And maybe because my Swedish hubby and I are the masters of starting a remodel project...and then getting distracted and moving on to start another remodel project...only to get distracted and start yet another remodel project (case in point, our still unfinished kitchen remodel). I'm hoping enough distractions will lead us back to the project we started on.

We don't get a lot of space in the master bedrooms over here in Sweden, so it's important to be clever with your space. We decided to forego the free-standing bureaus and dressers for storing our clothes (which I find devastating given all the excellent dresser re-dos out there in blogland) - and build our cabinets directly on the wall (LOVE flat pack packaging from IKEA - we're using the BestÃ¥ line - intended for living rooms, but we're *gasp* breaking the rules).

So...while we've moved on taken a pause in the room renovation, I decided to DIY a quick wall hanging to put on that wall that is nicely framed between the cabinets and the headboard. I used a beige curtain that I had in storage that matched the color of the wall quite nicely. Some scrap teal velvet (mmmm, velvet) gets a little kamikazi sewing treatment. A large 4-foot-or-so sheet of MDF board, some decently thick batting, scissors and a staple gun rounded out the supplies.

Sew the seams on the strip (no measuring, just use the foot on the machine as your guide), and then sew the strip on the curtain material with one of the machines 'decorative' stitches. Staple on that batting, and then the material. Ahhhh, staple of the most satisfying tools out here! Seriously! You must try it.

I knew I wanted the wall hanging to 'float' on the wall, so my assistant hubby glued some scrap wood pieces on the back of the MDF board for me and we let it set overnight (I hate waiting). Next day was to simply add eye screws and some scrap wire for hanging, and then hang it on the wall and stand back to admire it.

Hmmmm...head cocked to the wasn't quite the effect I was hoping it would be.

So, what happens next? Don't miss the next episode of "Semi-Extreme Home Bedroom Makeover - Part II"

Until next time...


  1. If the background behind the hanging were painted or wallpapered with a pattern it might help your hanging "pop" a little more and have more of an impact. Good idea anyway!


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