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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog Hugs

Until next time...

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  1. Replies
    1. Hey June - check the FB post from Thursday - you've won the custom banner contest.

  2. Bloggy hugs (((hug)))

  3. I love it hen my comments are acknowledged. If they're not I feel its because I don't blog or sell anything!

    1. Vicki - We all go through the same thing. I sometimes feel that I don't get a response from others because I'm not blogging about mainstream design, or I'm not a superstar blogger. BUT...I have stayed true to what inspires me most - recycled, repurposed, upcycled - and miraculously I've found an entire world out there that is also inspired by those things. Just try to remember that blogging takes an incredible amount of time, so any lack of response you might have is probably chalked up to not having enough time. And most people want to know if you are blogging or selling so that they can help to support you (much of the spirit behind blogging)- so don't feel bad for not blogging. Creating for yourself is one of the most satisfying activities!


I'm listening! And responding - so let's create some buzz together for recycled and repurposed arts and crafts.