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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Recycled Road Sign Sculptural Fence

The latest edition of Artizen Magazine is published - turn to page 32 for my article featuring an unbelievable sculptural fence made from recycled road signs in Pennsylvania (United States).

artizen magazine

You won't want to miss this project that took nearly 10 years to build, is as long as four (4) football field lengths, and represents a true commitment to community art and sustainability.

recycled road sign sculptural fence

recycled road sign sculptural fence

recycled road sign sculptural fence

I would be so happy driving past something like this every day in my own community. Hmmm...maybe it's time to schedule a meeting with the city council! Do I dare? Do you?

Until next time,


  1. Another fantastic issue. Loved, loved the transportation sign and initiative. So inspiring. The drive-by video was amazing to see the scale, variety and features within the layout.

  2. I love reading about all of the different ways to recycle and reuse. I have been trying to bring my new going green mindset to the work office. I have been using recycled paper, and I also got a refurbished chair instead of buying a new one. I got mine from Beverly Hills Chairs and I really like it.


I'm listening! And responding - so let's create some buzz together for recycled and repurposed arts and crafts.