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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Recycled Mini Magazine Mirrors entire week of quiet here at the Blue Velvet Chair blog.

But quiet in blog-land doesn't mean quiet in home-land! We've been enjoying the company of our friends who were over for a visit from England, the kids are finishing up their dance and Capoeira activities before the summer, there was crafting, dinners together, a celebration for Sweden's national day (similar to an independence day), and the regular everyday obligations of work and school. It's been a good week!

If you're a regular here at Blue Velvet Chair, you've seen my oversized mirror frame covered with recycled magazine page rolls...about 750 of them. And I've got that disease where I can't think about certain projects without songs popping into my head... every single time without fail. Does it happen to you? I literally cannot talk about how much magazine page rolling it took for that mirror without spontaneously breaking out into this song. Makes me smile every time!

The girl's wanted to try a magazine roll frame for themselves, so we grabbed some small IKEA mirrors with thick frames and set them free to create. See how their own personal flare shines through with different patterns.

And they were well pleased with the results!

If you haven't tried a rolled magazine page project for yourself yet, it's time! It's one of those crafting and creative projects that you just can't go wrong with. And the combo of colors always delights! Need a quick tutorial to get you started?

Or want to try something else with recycled magazines or paper? I've collected over 75 ideas on this Pinterest board.

DIY Projects for Recycled Magazines and Paper

Let me know if you've tried one for yourself yet. I'd love to have a peek!

Until next time...


  1. Love the mirror frames Mike! Your girls did a great job! I made a monogram picture from magazine rolls and did a tutorial that you can find on my blog: I must say, it took a lot longer than I'd anticipated, but I was happy with the results just like your girls. :)

    1. Sally - I had to jump over right away to have a look, because I'm a sucker for recycled magazine projects. Love the monogram! Had to pin it, and will also share on FB. Thanks for the tip.

  2. those turned out great, they did a wonderful job!...I didn't even click on the rawhide link for fear it would get stuck in my head :)

    1. Good thing, Lucy, 'cause there's no way to resist the Rawhide!


I'm listening! And responding - so let's create some buzz together for recycled and repurposed arts and crafts.