Thursday, May 24, 2012

Magic { Recycled } Garden

I was walking through the virtual garden of Etsy today and found quite a few things I'd like to see in my magic {recycled} garden this summer.

There's only one small problem in my plan...the garden only exists in my imagination. For now. My garden looks more like a jungle, a result of 40 years of roots-secured-in-the-ground growth of bushes, non-descript plants, and weeds.

But these little glories are available on Etsy if you want to hop over and find some garden jewels for yourself.

Until next time...


  1. Thanks so much for spotlighting my white space heater birdhouse! You always rock!

  2. Thanks for the comment on my spool wreath.


I'm listening! And responding - so let's create some buzz together for recycled and repurposed arts and crafts.

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